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Online Talk Show with The Alumni of Bangkit Academy 2021 and 2022

Batam, 15 October 2022 — The alumni of Bangkit Academy in 2021 and 2022, namely Monica Novalensiago from the 2018 class, as well as Michelle Angelina Halim and Michelle Meily William, both from the 2019 class, shared their impressions, experiences, and messages in an online talk show hosted by Mr Didi Sundiman. During the talk show, they emphasised the program’s impact on their personal and professional growth, highlighting key takeaways like effective time management, the cultivation of enthusiasm and optimism, the importance of networking, and the acquisition of new knowledge and skills in information technology.

Based on Dicoding.com, Bangkit Academy is a career readiness program supported by Google, GoTo, and Traveloka that aims to produce high-caliber technical talent for world-class Indonesian technology companies and startups. The program has been acknowledged by President Jokowi and praised by Minister Nadiem Makarim of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology. The Bangkit curriculum offers three interdisciplinary learning paths – machine learning, mobile development, and cloud computing.

Check out the full video on the Mr Didi Sundiman’s  YouTube channel to see their full story while attending Bangkit!

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