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The Excitement of the Faculty of Business 2022 Outbound Activity

Batam, 11 December 2022 — Humans are social beings who rely on each other. Establishing friendships is essential for a more sustainable life. On 6 December 2022, UVERS’ Business Faculty with HMM (Management Student Association) and HIMAKSI (Accounting Student Association) organised an outbound activity at Elyora Beach, Batam. The activity lasted for one day and was attended by business faculty lecturers and students majoring in Management and Accounting. Various competitions such as sarong moving, song pointing and tug-of-war were organised by the committees. 

This outbound activity offers more than just fun on the beach; it provides benefits such as teamwork and creativity training, increased  solidarity, and improved communication. As a result, students and lecturers have the opportunity to get to know each other and strengthen their relationships as part of the UVERS Faculty of Business.

Click on the link to see more of the photos.

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